Transform Your Website Like Emily Did

Table of Contents

You’ve invested time and money into your website, but despite your efforts, visitors just aren’t sticking around. This was the case for Emily, who ran a cozy online bookstore. Her website had potential, but the high bounce rate (users quickly leaving her site) was a mystery until she decided to make some changes.

Speed Matters

Emily discovered that her website took too long to load. Research shows that a one-second delay can reduce conversions by seven percent. By compressing images and using a faster hosting service, her pages loaded in under three seconds, and visitors started staying longer.

High-Quality Visuals

Next, Emily invested in high-quality images of her books. This simple change made her site more visually appealing and professional, drawing visitors in and making them want to explore.

Mobile Optimization

Realizing that many of her customers browsed on their phones, Emily ensured her website was mobile-friendly. Responsive design helped her site look great on any device, leading to a significant drop in bounce rates.

Intuitive Navigation

Emily restructured her website’s navigation. Clear, concise menus and a search bar made it easy for visitors to find what they were looking for. This improved user experience kept people on her site longer.

Compelling Content

She started a blog, sharing book reviews, author interviews, and reading tips. This not only provided value but also improved her site’s SEO, bringing in more organic traffic.

Engaging Call to Actions (CTAs)

Emily added compelling CTAs like “Shop Now” and “Join Our Book Club,” encouraging visitors to take action. These CTAs were placed strategically throughout the site, leading to increased sales and sign-ups. It might seem small, but it’s proven to work!

Testimonials and Reviews

Including customer testimonials and reviews built trust. New visitors felt more confident making purchases after reading positive experiences from other customers.


Emily made her site accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Features like alt text for images and keyboard navigation not only broadened her audience but also showed her commitment to inclusivity.

Interactive Elements

Adding a book recommendation quiz engaged visitors and kept them on her site longer. Interactive elements can make a site more fun and personalized.

Regular Updates

Finally, Emily kept her content fresh. Regularly updating her blog, adding new books, and featuring seasonal promotions kept visitors returning.

Moral of the Story

These changes transformed Emily’s website from a static online store to an engaging, user-friendly destination. Her bounce rate dropped, engagement soared, and sales increased.

Ready to Transform Your Website?
Take a page from Emily’s book. Start by auditing your site with these tips in mind. Need help? Reach out today for a free consultation!



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Blog Setup

- +


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Advanced Form (Like this one)

Schedule Online/Calendar Integration

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How can we help?

New Website

Website Redesign

Website Fix(es)

Monthly Maintenance:
Updates, Speed optimization,
SEO optimization, Content updates,
Backups, Training

Add Feature(s):
- Advanced form
- Calendar/schedule integration
- Digital business card
- Digital brochure

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Website Fix(es)

Common fixes include: Button(s) not working, links not working, website hack, things are suddenly messed up, etc.

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Website Redesign





Google Sites, Drupal, etc.

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Add New Features

Please describe the feature(s) you want added to your website.

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Monthly Maintenance

Monthly cost: $[variable-1]

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Responsive (Mobile & Desktop)


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CMS (Website Builder)






No Preference

No preference is perfectly fine. If you need help choosing a CMS, read more here.
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Last details

The typical small business website starts with 3 pages. Often a Homepage, Services page, and Contact page.

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Final Step

Your investment* is:

*Note: Half is due at start and half will be due at time of project completion.

Your monthly charge for maintenance is: $[variable-1]


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :